I like to consider this a little bit of therapy for the little group of fuctioning brain cells left in my head.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Five minutes to spare....

Quick, while I have 5 minutes to spare, here's what's been happening.....

Mackenzie has been a grump most of the week. Think it's her teeth coming through.

We went to Magoo's graduation on Tuesday night and I have come to the conclusion that too many mums let 12 year old girls dress like 20 year old girls. Thank goodness you don't have that problem with boys. But more on that later. The ceremony itself was pretty good. It was great watching all the grade sixes get up on stage and accept their class photos and gifts. 1 student from each class did a performance. The highlight of the performances was a boy named Cory who sang the Jason Mraz hit 'I'm yours' and boy was he good. The crowd loved him and he loved that crowd right back. (note to self, remember Cory's last name to brag about knowing someone famous one day) Then they gave out the awards. This part probably went on a bit too long but was still interesting. Of course Magoo was never gonna win an award for being the most organised student or the most enthusiastic about homework. But he graduated, that's what mattered.

Now as for what some of the girls wore, my goodness, what were those parents thinking? One little girl and I do mean little, wore a skin tight, black mini dress with a plunging neckline and no back with high heels!!!!! Apparently she chose it and bought it out of her own money so her mother didn't think she could do anything about it. WHAT THE?! Using the same logic, she could have bought a g-string bikini, vodka cruisers and crack cocaine and her mother would have sat back and admired her maturity. Some parents need to grow some balls.

I didn't manage to get a photo of Magoo getting his gifts and photos but here he is sitting with his friends.

Fletch is coming along in leaps and bounds. I took him to daycare on Thursday and we had no tears at all. as we were leaving home he saw me pick up his bag and he said 'see kids' Then when we got there and I told him it was time for me to leave he said 'kiss' and reached up to give me one, then said 'see ya later' and 'bye bye bye bye bye' while he waved. Then he walked away from me. How good is that?

Yesterday my sister came over to have her hair done and to help me with the kids a bit. Fletch has never really given her much of a chance and the couple of times she has looked after him he has protested a fair bit when I've left but not yesterday. He did the same as he did at daycare and played the whole time I was gone. He even made her play cricket with him for about 20 minutes. It is amazing how much faster you can grocery shop without kids. I feel like he has really turned a corner. I am so excited about Early Intervention next year I can hardly wait. And earlier this week we also got approval for some funding to get a new computer and the Boardmaker program, another thing I can't wait to get my hands on.

So until next time, toodles!


  1. A new computer! How exciting!
    Great to hear thet Fletcher is doing so well!
    Hope you all have a wonderful christmas!

  2. What great news about Fletcher, this year you are going to see so many changes, it's very exciting.

    I know what you mean about Mum's who take no responsability for their pre-teen girls wardrobe.

    I hope you all had a smashing Christmas, bring on the boxing day shopping frenzy, woo hoo!
